It's my family and I. The time now is 6am. I've been awake all night to fix this pictures. Somehow, I thought of scolding Cherry(younger sister) and also to bully Angie(elder sis). I just loved family war :) I missed scolding my mum too.

Although i dislike to study but I will work hard in it because to study hard is one of the responsibility as a student.

My mission here:
1-Strengthen my faith on Buddhism & to promote lasting peace for all humankind through the propagation of Nichiren Buddhism.
2-Fulfill my parents dream.
[They only get to study until low
er secondary & wish to further study if only they may]
3-Change my family's karma.
[It's up to me and my sisters to change my family's current condition.
I believe together we can make the different]

The background of the pix were all taken by Angie.
photo credit:Angieong pixigraphy