It's my 1st day back to penang, 10th Feb 2010. As I almost reach Penang, my dad called.. We had a quite a long chat.. he bought me a watch.. THANKS DAD..
After facial, rushed to Pyi's house, hunting for bracelet.. I kinda like this one.. but.. after asking for some opinion, still wasn't what I'm looking for..
Then, when fetch my sis from work cause we are sharing transport.. only one bike for two.. ~.~!!
drop her at Penang Free for karate coaching and I went home.. online for bout 1 hour ++...
went fetching my sis home pula.. Dinner together with mum and again go out.. I'm driving this time.. no more motorbiking! so tired! My sis and I went for band practise, then supper with MJ and Yang. Sembang till midnight with Shin Yee bout majoring subjects for my final year..
Took a bath cause of tedious day.. Had things in my mind to be thought..! So I phone ah Hui to chat.. then do my "mountain sized"~assignment till I fall asleep, and awake then continue a bit and slept till noon without noticing cause I didn't set any alarm.. what a long long day..~
**Something my cousin brother bought from US, this Diet Coke was manufactured in Atlanta.. felt like tasting it.. but tasting is forbidden!!
which cousin? thts MINE!!! kindly put it 2geder with my cola collections! thx watch loh!!!!
So you find your way out to which majoring?
IS... I got new info to share with all of you.. wait till we meet..
(>.<) haha.. can't wait to c u at hostel.. ahahha!! I miss all of us gathering 2geder la..
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