They are so not fair. Training us with different standard depending on how good are we communicating with them. That is so bad! They don't watch their mouth when they talk. Do u know how much it hurts?? Some seniors still okay. Not all are bad and NOT ALL ARE GOOD!!
Oh, i have never thought of being this close with pei yong and ai ling. I can NEVER EVER IMAGINE THAT!! haha.. life is funny isn't it? okay. I'm gg to cheer up.
I went for an interview last Monday. Interview also got test! ~.~!! Damn hard. Cause they test your ability in using microscope. It's not like the school one. School are fake! fake! the real one very hard to use. We have to clip chips and then place them on a small circuit. The chips were even smaller then this>>>> [ . ] smaller then the dot. Must look under the scope only can see! I didn't actually complete the test but the examiner close one eye and gave me passed. haha..

FOOD ALLOWANCE: RM2 per working day
TRANSPORT ALLOWANCE: RM2 per working day
DAY SHIFT ALLOWANCE (if 9 hours & above): RM5 per working day
NIGHT SHIFT ALLOWANCE (if 9 hours & above): RM 15 per working day
FULL ATTENDANCE : RM 100 per month
OT: x1.5
*only 14days working days per month. All extra days are considered OT.
~now under training.. the work is actually easy but its damn complicated because we need to use the scope most of the time!! headache everyday okay!! ~.~!! but it is a great experience. I'm lucky to work with very friendly colleague & the line of work that requires lots of OT. yea!! earn! earn!

FOOD ALLOWANCE: RM2 per working day
TRANSPORT ALLOWANCE: RM2 per working day
DAY SHIFT ALLOWANCE (if 9 hours & above): RM5 per working day
NIGHT SHIFT ALLOWANCE (if 9 hours & above): RM 15 per working day
FULL ATTENDANCE : RM 100 per month
OT: x1.5
*only 14days working days per month. All extra days are considered OT.
~now under training.. the work is actually easy but its damn complicated because we need to use the scope most of the time!! headache everyday okay!! ~.~!! but it is a great experience. I'm lucky to work with very friendly colleague & the line of work that requires lots of OT. yea!! earn! earn!
16 DEC 2007
Charity Starwalk 2007
It's a 10km walk(from PISA to AIRPORT back to PISA). I signed up in the competition category. Of cause i didn't aim to be in the top 20 walkers. Just complete it within 2 hours and you will get a certificate as for a priceless memory. For me, it's a walk with bunch of friends. This time, I went with Ngiap Ai, Ngiap Li, Swee Win, Yi Yin, Yi Lin & 2 of Yi Lin's cousin. We didn't manage to end the walk together because we were separated in to groups after walking for sometime. By the way, Yi Lin have to take care of her 2 younger cousins. LOL.. Nevertheless, we all manage to complete the walk within 2 hours.
After the walk, as usual, we got our self some free drinks. There was thousand of people walking in sweat next to each other. Whenever we touches each other's arm. I felt so irritated!! YARK!! YARK!! You know how it feels. Hmm.. then we all when into the arena for some entertainment. It's so fun to see all the performance. Follow by the "lucky draw" session. Yea!! It's my favorite! I waited & waited for my number to be called. haish~! waited and waited. Until all the prizes were given away. CONCLUSION, I WON NOTHING!! sob-sob..
Charity Starwalk 2007
It's a 10km walk(from PISA to AIRPORT back to PISA). I signed up in the competition category. Of cause i didn't aim to be in the top 20 walkers. Just complete it within 2 hours and you will get a certificate as for a priceless memory. For me, it's a walk with bunch of friends. This time, I went with Ngiap Ai, Ngiap Li, Swee Win, Yi Yin, Yi Lin & 2 of Yi Lin's cousin. We didn't manage to end the walk together because we were separated in to groups after walking for sometime. By the way, Yi Lin have to take care of her 2 younger cousins. LOL.. Nevertheless, we all manage to complete the walk within 2 hours.
After the walk, as usual, we got our self some free drinks. There was thousand of people walking in sweat next to each other. Whenever we touches each other's arm. I felt so irritated!! YARK!! YARK!! You know how it feels. Hmm.. then we all when into the arena for some entertainment. It's so fun to see all the performance. Follow by the "lucky draw" session. Yea!! It's my favorite! I waited & waited for my number to be called. haish~! waited and waited. Until all the prizes were given away. CONCLUSION, I WON NOTHING!! sob-sob..
Have a look on my latest video uploaded on my blog. It's on your right. Drop me a comment on that. THANK YOU.. :b
I can't stand my back ache anymore. This ache has occur since 5th DEC 2006. It's the last day of my STPM. The night before, i slept in my living room cause i was scared that i couldn't wake up the next morning for my final paper. I was lazy to drag out my bed from my room so i just placed a comforter on the carpet and i fall asleep. When i wake up, haha.. until today also still aching. it's getting worst each day.
So i went to Adventist Hospital for a check-up. I didn't know that Friday they only work half day. Means they double charge if you need some special equip in treatment. As in for me, i use to visit the MO clinic because my mum work there. The clinic were open for 1/2 day only, so they send me to emergency room.
Walau eh!! I waited there from 1.40pm till 4.20pm. They still didn't call my name. I got frustrated and told them i wanna cancel my appointment for today. Guest what, the nurse said.. 'i thought you wasn't outside, so we didn't call you'. ~.~!! She then say she'll immediately phone your doc. Well, then i said okay.
5, minutes later.
The doctor came and just ask ask ask.
DOC: it was just a muscle pain.
(~.~!! muscle pain seem to be a small matter, BUT IT'S VERY PAIN!!)
DOC: you i 1 2 take an injection now?
me™: HUH?!!! (i didn't know it was that serious) INJECTION?????? HUH?!!! Do i really need to take that injection??
DOC: Oh, then never mind. You may just take some medicine enough.
me™: (smile) Okay, thanks. Thanks.
haish.. waited for 2hours ++ . That's really boring and tiring. Finally, yea~ go pay bill then can go home liao. Btw, it only cost me RM6.35 after 70% discount. HAHA..
So i went to Adventist Hospital for a check-up. I didn't know that Friday they only work half day. Means they double charge if you need some special equip in treatment. As in for me, i use to visit the MO clinic because my mum work there. The clinic were open for 1/2 day only, so they send me to emergency room.
Walau eh!! I waited there from 1.40pm till 4.20pm. They still didn't call my name. I got frustrated and told them i wanna cancel my appointment for today. Guest what, the nurse said.. 'i thought you wasn't outside, so we didn't call you'. ~.~!! She then say she'll immediately phone your doc. Well, then i said okay.
5, minutes later.
The doctor came and just ask ask ask.
DOC: it was just a muscle pain.
(~.~!! muscle pain seem to be a small matter, BUT IT'S VERY PAIN!!)
DOC: you i 1 2 take an injection now?
me™: HUH?!!! (i didn't know it was that serious) INJECTION?????? HUH?!!! Do i really need to take that injection??
DOC: Oh, then never mind. You may just take some medicine enough.
me™: (smile) Okay, thanks. Thanks.
haish.. waited for 2hours ++ . That's really boring and tiring. Finally, yea~ go pay bill then can go home liao. Btw, it only cost me RM6.35 after 70% discount. HAHA..
Everything where just in time. As we walked out of the airport, we saw Azrul(groom)'s cousin just arrived and parked his car. haha.. then what else? we masi salam-salam lo.. :b so we all had a little chat while waiting for another car to take us to hotel . There's 7 of us, we can never fit in one Vios. A few minutes later, the other cousin came. We can't wait to loaf around Kota Bharu and wonder in which hotel are we checking-in, don't know got what facilities, don't know how big & nice the room will be, don't know what can we see from the balcony. AND OFF WE GO!!
I was shock as I see all the billboards were written in Jawi words. ~.~!! Minority billboards has a translational in English. Even the road sign is written in Jawi, but of cause got write in Bahasa also. We were told by our "tour guide" a.k.a Azrul's cousin, if they wanna advertise anything using a female model, they must wear tudung. If not, they'll haramkan the advertisement. Female that walks out of their premise, must wear tudung or else will be fined RM200-300.
hmm.. hmm.. 25 minutes later, WHAT!! WHAT!!?? We were not place in a hotel? hehe.. But okie also, cause my cousin, ALYSSA(bride), rent us a single storey house. It's called ORANGE GUEST HOUSE. Obviously the house was painted in orange. We didn't manage to snap a pic of the houz from the outside cause the rain comes one after another.

Seems to be not bad la.. BUT! ~.~!!
The worst part bout the house is, there's only 1 basin that can be used. The kitchen is very dirty, so we avoid walking into the kitchen. the whole house only got 1 mirror. There's no shower! we have to fill up the pail, the water pressure is low, it's smelly, maybe it's because of the flood & it's damn cold!
Azrul's mum cook us some bee hoon & prepared some bread for us to dunk into curry. The curry so nice la, the smell is still in my nose trill. They ate & drink some coffee along with us. Then they left to prepare for the wedding.

The tv there got no 8tv one.. so nothing to watch. so boring.. Then my Bih ask me to help her snap a family photo. Of cause i do help, and then, this is what happen after the first snap>>>

Θ peh nin, Bih, pek leh. (bridal's parents)
{ch3ck thIs ouT}

Θwe entertain ourself with our very own entertainment.

I was shock as I see all the billboards were written in Jawi words. ~.~!! Minority billboards has a translational in English. Even the road sign is written in Jawi, but of cause got write in Bahasa also. We were told by our "tour guide" a.k.a Azrul's cousin, if they wanna advertise anything using a female model, they must wear tudung. If not, they'll haramkan the advertisement. Female that walks out of their premise, must wear tudung or else will be fined RM200-300.
hmm.. hmm.. 25 minutes later, WHAT!! WHAT!!?? We were not place in a hotel? hehe.. But okie also, cause my cousin, ALYSSA(bride), rent us a single storey house. It's called ORANGE GUEST HOUSE. Obviously the house was painted in orange. We didn't manage to snap a pic of the houz from the outside cause the rain comes one after another.
Seems to be not bad la.. BUT! ~.~!!
The worst part bout the house is, there's only 1 basin that can be used. The kitchen is very dirty, so we avoid walking into the kitchen. the whole house only got 1 mirror. There's no shower! we have to fill up the pail, the water pressure is low, it's smelly, maybe it's because of the flood & it's damn cold!
Azrul's mum cook us some bee hoon & prepared some bread for us to dunk into curry. The curry so nice la, the smell is still in my nose trill. They ate & drink some coffee along with us. Then they left to prepare for the wedding.
The tv there got no 8tv one.. so nothing to watch. so boring.. Then my Bih ask me to help her snap a family photo. Of cause i do help, and then, this is what happen after the first snap>>>
Θ peh nin, Bih, pek leh. (bridal's parents)
Θwe entertain ourself with our very own entertainment.
At the groom's house. 1.It started off with the groom first, a ceremony which is overseen by the imam in front of witnesses. Mean time, the bride will be sitting next to her mum. After the imam finish consulting the groom regarding life after marriage, the groom will have to sign on a book(??) as a swear . Then follow by the bride. 2.They both will have to greet all their relatives, hug them & kiss the elderliness's hand. 3.Move to their nicely decorated new bride&groom's room to exchange their ring. The beautiful bride will have to kiss the groom's hand. Then the good looking groom will have to give a kiss on the bride's forehead. haha.. Azrul is a very shy but funny man. haha.. he softly said "malu la..". ahahaha..!! all of us laugh like hell.!! ahaha..!!

ΘAkad nikah is the 3rd process in a Malay
traditional marriage.
After some rest, the bride&groom change into some new cloths.
1. The groom walks from his neighbor's house pretending coming a long way to marry his wife. Kompang are play loudly by a big group of men. Then the bride will wait at the door in the house.
2.As the groom enters the compound, the bride will walk out to the compound and walk back into the house together under a golden umbrella.
3.They then sit on a small stage. The bersanding ceremony will officially when they are ready seated on the chairs provided & the couple becomes a 'King for the Day'. ~The bersanding ceremony took us some time, it depends on the number of guests and family members who wish to partake in the tepung tawar or blessing, anointing the couple's upturned palms with scented water, pandan potpurri and rice.~
4. Lastly, we have our lunch with the king of the day together with our besen. ahaha..

Θyeah~!! makan-makan-makan oh!!!
After a long day, they finally get to rest and fill up their stomach. They said they didn't get to eat the whole day except for lunch. haish~! finally.. finally.. can makan puas-puas d!!

Θ SELAMAT PENGANTIN BARU ΘAlyssa and her mama!!

Θmy far-far relative at my age but must call her auntie.. i think her name is kuan zih.

Θflood near our rest house. it's very very bad!

Θbed time!! so tired la!
At the groom's house. 1.It started off with the groom first, a ceremony which is overseen by the imam in front of witnesses. Mean time, the bride will be sitting next to her mum. After the imam finish consulting the groom regarding life after marriage, the groom will have to sign on a book(??) as a swear . Then follow by the bride. 2.They both will have to greet all their relatives, hug them & kiss the elderliness's hand. 3.Move to their nicely decorated new bride&groom's room to exchange their ring. The beautiful bride will have to kiss the groom's hand. Then the good looking groom will have to give a kiss on the bride's forehead. haha.. Azrul is a very shy but funny man. haha.. he softly said "malu la..". ahahaha..!! all of us laugh like hell.!! ahaha..!!
ΘAkad nikah is the 3rd process in a Malay
traditional marriage.
After some rest, the bride&groom change into some new cloths.
1. The groom walks from his neighbor's house pretending coming a long way to marry his wife. Kompang are play loudly by a big group of men. Then the bride will wait at the door in the house.
2.As the groom enters the compound, the bride will walk out to the compound and walk back into the house together under a golden umbrella.
3.They then sit on a small stage. The bersanding ceremony will officially when they are ready seated on the chairs provided & the couple becomes a 'King for the Day'. ~The bersanding ceremony took us some time, it depends on the number of guests and family members who wish to partake in the tepung tawar or blessing, anointing the couple's upturned palms with scented water, pandan potpurri and rice.~
4. Lastly, we have our lunch with the king of the day together with our besen. ahaha..
Θyeah~!! makan-makan-makan oh!!!
After a long day, they finally get to rest and fill up their stomach. They said they didn't get to eat the whole day except for lunch. haish~! finally.. finally.. can makan puas-puas d!!
Θ SELAMAT PENGANTIN BARU ΘAlyssa and her mama!!
Θmy far-far relative at my age but must call her auntie.. i think her name is kuan zih.
Θflood near our rest house. it's very very bad!
Θbed time!! so tired la!
Penang International Airport
Date: Dec 08/2007
Reach: 0600
Redeem ticket: 0615
Check-in: 0635
Flight departure: 0650
Destiny: Kota Bharu, Kelantan.
No. : FY3000
_all sleepy faces_
Θwaiting for the gate to open.. ΘBih² a.k.a bridal' younger sis..

ΘCherry a.k.a my younger sis with Bih² Θyeah.. it's me.. sitting with my "far-far relative, supposing it's my aunt but we're at the same age.. l8r show u her face.. "
Firefly is a very small plane. If you don't know, read this. It uses a device called propeller, consisting of 2 or more blades which turn round at high speed. Malaysia Airlines' Firefly can only carry 50 passengers..
It's very fun to travel by this plane because we get to move around and sit where ever as we like. I think at that time there were only 22 people in the flight. haha.. like private jet only.. Other than that, it was very comfortable. The weather were clear at the beginning then when we enter Kelantan, it started to drizzle. We had a clear look on flooded area. It's the colour Teh Tarik Susu Banyak. The flood were very bad especially places near to the river & paddy field.
But we didn't manage to capture any clear picture.

ΘSoar above the sky. ΘAir hostess selling goods. Θ Bih² & Cherry.

ΘThe overview of firefly. ΘPhoto taken by air hostess.
Although the plane were very small, but it was very stable not like others saying. The feeling was just like sitting in a car. The lifting and landing were PERFECT!! bravo!! none of use actually realize that the plane have completely landed.
:b YEAH..!! YEAH!! Safely arrive at Kota Bharu!!
Sultan Ismail Petra Airport
Date: Dec 08/2007
Flight arrival: 0750
Date: Dec 08/2007
Reach: 0600
Redeem ticket: 0615
Check-in: 0635
Flight departure: 0650
Destiny: Kota Bharu, Kelantan.
No. : FY3000
_all sleepy faces_
Θwaiting for the gate to open.. ΘBih² a.k.a bridal' younger sis..
ΘCherry a.k.a my younger sis with Bih² Θyeah.. it's me.. sitting with my "far-far relative, supposing it's my aunt but we're at the same age.. l8r show u her face.. "
Firefly is a very small plane. If you don't know, read this. It uses a device called propeller, consisting of 2 or more blades which turn round at high speed. Malaysia Airlines' Firefly can only carry 50 passengers..
It's very fun to travel by this plane because we get to move around and sit where ever as we like. I think at that time there were only 22 people in the flight. haha.. like private jet only.. Other than that, it was very comfortable. The weather were clear at the beginning then when we enter Kelantan, it started to drizzle. We had a clear look on flooded area. It's the colour Teh Tarik Susu Banyak. The flood were very bad especially places near to the river & paddy field.
But we didn't manage to capture any clear picture.
ΘSoar above the sky. ΘAir hostess selling goods. Θ Bih² & Cherry.
ΘThe overview of firefly. ΘPhoto taken by air hostess.
Although the plane were very small, but it was very stable not like others saying. The feeling was just like sitting in a car. The lifting and landing were PERFECT!! bravo!! none of use actually realize that the plane have completely landed.
:b YEAH..!! YEAH!! Safely arrive at Kota Bharu!!
Sultan Ismail Petra Airport
Date: Dec 08/2007
Flight arrival: 0750