Cheng Ling asked me to look into her laptop's screen. Then i said "what?".
CL : come and see..
Mei: ~.~!! what? who's that??
CL: come and see larh..
Mei: hmm.. looks like me..
CL: ~.~!! it's you la.
My friend captured my pix without
my notice until i see it on his blog.
haha.. nice pix dude. thanks!
I enjoy my archery classes very much. It needs concentration and a little bit of energy to pull and then release the arrow. At times, I wasn't really concentrating and I just released the arrow with empty headed. POP!! blueblack on my arm. There are a few things we need to bare in mind while releasing the arrow actually. Just some minor mistake, it might be dangerous to you and your surrounding. Anyway, its a nice sports to try "if you stand a chance". hehe.. I always wanted to try archery but it's just too expensive to learn it out-side. Well, another fortune have turned to me where again, a little dream of mine--fulfilled! yup, VICTORY!
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